Alex Leal24/01/2025 13:03

Cards Pokemon script PostgreSQL

  • #SQL

create a scrept to create a table in postgresql

- the firts table is a table to save a pokemon tcg cards

- the second table is a table to save collections set

connect to tables with FORENG KEY

frist table: tbl_cards

- id

- hp

- name

- type

- stage

- info

- attack

- dammege

- weak

- ressis.

- retreat


the second table: tbl_colletions

- id

- collectionSetName

- release Date

- totalCardsInCollection

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Alex Leal - 11/02/2025 14:39

Cards Pokemon script PostgreSQL

  • #SQL

create a scrept to create a table in postgresql

- the firts table is a table to save a pokemon tcg cards

- the second table is a table to save collections set

connect to tables with FORENG KEY

frist table: tbl_cards

- id

- hp

- name

- type

- stage

- info

- attack

- dammege

- weak

- ressis.

- retreat


the second table: tbl_colletions

- id

- collectionSetName

- release Date

- totalCardsInCollectionCards Pokemon script PostgreSQL

create a scrept to create a table in postgresql

- the firts table is a table to save a pokemon tcg cards

- the second table is a table to save collections set

connect to tables with FORENG KEY

frist table: tbl_cards

- id

- hp

- name

- type

- stage

- info

- attack

- dammege

- weak

- ressis.

- retreat


the second table: tbl_colletions

- id

- collectionSetName

- release Date

- totalCardsInCollection